6 Outstanding Ways to Make Beautiful Ribbons Flowers
Ribbons flowers make a great embellishment on anything you sew. And they can also be used for embellishing all kinds of things such as tote bags, headbands, hair clips, brooches, scrapbooks, gift toppers, albums, and many others. Ribbons flowers can be made from various adornments like organza, velvet, satin, grosgrain, and others.
If you have seen those lovely ribbon flowers that adornment almost anything but didn’t know how to make them, you are in the right place. Below, I’m going to share different ways of making ribbon flowers.
1. Easy Gathered Ribbon Flower
This is one of the easiest flowers that you can hope to make. For making this, take half-inch wide ribbon in the color of your choice. After that, cut it into a 12-inches long piece and fold it 3-inches from one end. Then, take a sewing needle and thread and make stitches along the long edge.
Now, you need to gather the ribbon into a flower by puling at the gathering stitches. And when your flowers are arranged perfectly stitch the loose ends at the back together. You can add a pearl or bead in the middle to add some extra effect to your flower. You will be also able to use two different colors of ribbons to make a multi-color flower.
2. Pleated Ribbon Flower
For making this flower, you will need a one-inch-wide ribbon. First, make pleat on the ribbon with the help of a sewing machine. The portion that comes to the center needs to be pleated more closely than the outer edge. You can start to stitch the pleated ribbon onto a circular felt base using a needle and thread. Always begin from the outer edge.
3. Knotty Ribbon Flower
This DIY flower looks very pretty and also very easy to make. For making this flower, cut out many ribbon pieces in different colors. For example, you can take 3-inches long ribbons for the outer petals and 2-inches long ribbons for inner petals.
Start by knotting all pieces of ribbons and keep them aside. After that, fold the ribbons pieces with the knot in the middle. And with the help of a needle and thread, you should attach the knotted pieces onto a base or fabric. Now, layer all the pieces in a flower shape.
For making the inner petals, you should take a smaller ribbon. Then assemble it and attach. You can add a bead for hiding the petal raw edges, joints, as well as stitching.
4. Medallion Flower
For making this ribbon flower you will need to create a loop. First, layer the pieces of ribbon one on top of the other and then attach buttons, beads, or another flower in the middle.
5. Ruched Ribbon Flower
Start by making the ribbon evenly on both sides and take small stitches on alternative points. Then gather the stitches and arrange the ribbon into a circle. Stitch the raw edges of your ribbon together with a matching thread.
6. Loopy Ribbon Flower
You can make a beautiful flower with ribbon loops. First, cut out 1/8-inch-wide ribbon into small pieces of about 3-inches. After that wind the ribbon on three of your fingers many times and give a single cut to get these ribbon pieces.
You can measure each ribbon thoroughly and cut it out separately. Now stitch ribbons into a loop just inserting needle and thread through one end of batches of the ribbon from one side and then from the other end. After making the loop, cut through the middle.
You can also add more loops around the bunch in a different color ribbon. You can make the loop and also add other flowers in between for a variation.
These are some of the best ways to make different types of ribbons flowers. You can find a wholesale wedding and craft product supplier for buying ribbons in different colors and patterns, fabrics, chair covers, tablecloths, favor bags, and many others.