9 Simple and Easy Steps to Tie a Beautiful Loopy Bow BBCrafts.com

9 Simple and Easy Steps to Tie a Beautiful Loopy Bow

If you are looking for a simple, affordable, and fun craft that will help to add a little bit of enhancement to your décor, then this is especially for you. Making a loopy bow is so easy, you will just only need ribbons and some other essential craft supplies.

You can hang this bow above your confetti table and add it to your gift bow to add a personal touch. It is ideal to find an online wedding and craft product supplier for purchasing wholesale ribbons, fabrics, chair covers, table runners, organza favor bags, and many others. Below, I’m going to share step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful loopy bow.

Supplies That You Will Need:

  • Ribbons approx. three yards
  • Ribbon wire or floral wire
  • Scissors
  • Wire cutters


Step 1:

Start by cutting curl ribbon over for creating the center loop and tweak it at the base. After that, turn the tail of the ribbon where your fingers are strained so that the front side of the fabric fronting up. 

Step 2:

In this Step, you should fold the ribbon under for making the first loop. And then twist the ribbon for making the front side face out and squeeze it in the middle.

Remember, you will need to turn the ribbon after each loop to ensure that the forward-facing side of the fabric all always be fronting out.

Step 3:

Now, pleat the ribbon on the conflicting side of the first loop for making the second loop. You should hold both loops for ensuring they are the same length and then turn and pinch the ribbon.

Step 4:

Start the second set of loops using the same process as the first set. Use your fingers to measure the length of loops to keep them at a similar length.

Step 5:

You should continue to fold loops and twist the ribbon until you have five loops on each side.

Step 6:

Now, insert floral wire or ribbon wire to the center loop and wrap them around to the back. Before narrowing the wire, you should make sure that the ribbon tail is creased back so that the front side of the fabric facing near the front of the bow.

Leaving one end of the wire longer than the other, closely twist the wire together at least 3 times. You should avoid cutting the wire just yet.

Step 7:

Now, trim the ribbon tail to your required length and feed the remaining ribbon over the middle loop at least as high as the loops are elongated. Grasp the extended piece of wire from the back and pull out it through the middle loop over the ribbon and around to the back.

Step 8:

In this step, closely twist the wire together in the back, cut it, and squash it down onto the bow. After that, trim another ribbon tail for matching the dimension of the first.

Step 9:

Now, you should arrange each loop up and down for filling out the full circle of the bow.  At last, you need to trim the top tail to the same length as the loops.

By following the above-mentioned steps, you can make a pretty loopy bow. You can find a reliable wedding and craft product supplier for buying fabrics, wholesale ribbons, table runners, chair covers, favor bags, fake flower petals, rhinestones, and many others.


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