How You Can Make DIY Beautiful Flowers Using Ribbon Embroidery Efficiently?

I have a thing for flowers. I love the way they look, the way they smell, and even how they sound when they rustle. So when I came across ribbon embroidery and realized that it was so easy to make beautiful flowers with it, I was thrilled! It's also fun to do with friends or family members since you all can choose your favourite colors and work together on completing them. In this article, we'll walk through some steps for making beautiful flowers using ribbon embroidery, so that anyone can create these beauties in no time at all!

Choose a theme

  • Choose a color scheme.
  • Choose a ribbon color and width (you can use plain or patterned).
  • Pick out the flower pattern you want to use for your flowers, then choose its size and shape in relation to how many flowers you want to make with each pattern piece (the more petals there are, the smaller they need to be).

Make a list of supplies

To make your own flowers, you will need the following supplies:

  • Needle and thread (for stitching)
  • Ribbon of your choice. Ribbon flowers are available in several colors, so choose one that matches your outfit or decor. You can also use ribbon to make bows for other projects!

Organize your ribbon using the color scheme you choose

  • The first step to making beautiful flowers using ribbon embroidery is to organize your ribbon. You can do this by color scheme, theme or pattern!
  • The second step is to cut out the petals you need for each flower you want to make on your canvas or fabric.
  • The third step is to sew them together into one big flower shape and glue it down onto your canvas or fabric.

Prepare everything that needs to be sewn on the ribbon, including pins and needles

  • Needles, pins and thread.
  • Needles are sharp and can poke you, so use them carefully! Make sure that your needles are large enough to fit through the ribbon you're using (a needle that is too small will make it difficult for you to sew), strong enough to sew through thick materials like ribbon (try testing with a piece of paper first), and sharp enough to pierce through thick materials like ribbon without breaking or bending.

Sew each flower in place before sewing them together, so you don't get confused later

  • Sew each flower in place before sewing them together, so you don't get confused later.
  • If your ribbon is too long, cut it with pinking shears or a rotary cutter to prevent fraying.
  • You can also use pins to hold the flowers in place while you sew them on the ribbon.

Lay out your flowers on the ribbon and sew them together by hand or machine as desired

Now that you have your flowers sewn together, sew them to the ribbon. This is a good time to decide how many rows of flowers you want. You can do this by laying out your flowers on the ribbon and sewing them together by hand or machine as desired.

If you are using contrasting thread, such as white for the petals and black for the centers, it may be helpful to sew each flower in place before sewing them together so that they don't get mixed up later.

Making beautiful flowers with ribbon embroidery is easy when you follow these steps

  • Choose a theme, such as flowers or butterflies.
  • Make a list of supplies you need to make your project come together:
  • Ribbon (in the color of choice)
  • Needle and thread or sewing machine (depending on what type of flowers you want to make)


I hope that this guide has helped you learn how to make beautiful flowers with ribbon embroidery. It's a great way to add some color and texture to your home decor, and it can also be used in other projects like clothing or bags. And it doesn't cost you much as you can buy in bulk by ordering from wholesale ribbon fabric suppliers, and a few of other mentioned supplies which aren't costly at all.